

Senin, 29 Juni 2015


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.,

Allow me to introduce myself personally. in a term like "if we don’t know. then we don’t love each other ". OK to the point my friends,
My Name is Miftahuddin, Place and Date of Birth is Pekalongan, 5 April 1995.
I Live in St. Wonoyoso Gg. 3, My Hobbies are Reading, Singing, Cooking, Playing Guitar. Etc. , My Favorite Food are Meatballs, Chicken Noodle, Fried Chicken And Seafood and then My Favorite Drink are Avocado Juice, Orange Juice And Water.

Ok, maybe it was just a glimpse of my personal. perfection belongs only to Allah and of course my own personal shortcomings. if unclear please can directly ask about me immediately came to my house, do not forget to bring plenty of food, hehe. Thank you.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.,

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